
Nothing is more rewarding than being admired by the loved ones for what you have cooked. How do you feel when your guests just tell you: “Wow! Delicious, may I have some more” or “it is really tempting, I would eat it up!” or, “You are a fantastic cook, can you prepare it again, please?

Focus on that emotion …you felt a kind of superhero, didn’t you? You felt so happy you could not hide a broad smile! You were fully satisfied, and not tired at all, ever if your kitchen had turned into a complete mess!

If you love all this, you are in the right place.

Every recipe of mine will be super detailed, as I were there by your side. Actually, I write the method while I am cooking the dish step by step; I explain what you have to do, and what result you should obtain, tastes included. I will be a sort of Italian friend in your kitchen.

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